
1 – Sale

  • Definition
  • Services concerned with the sale into the company and their interaction

2 – Stages during sale interview

  • Benefit of the plan of sale
  • Objectives and contents of each stage

3 – Preparation of the interview

  • Material/Strategic/Psychological

4 – Making the contact

  • The oral communication
  • Various languages (verbal, nonverbal, paraverbal)
  • Method of Marston colors to identify 4 types of interlocutors
  • Presentation of oneself and its company

5 – Discover the needs

  • The identification which the offer answers
  • Classical techniques of questioning
  • Questioning Technique SPIS
  • Synchronization on the languages in situation of active listening
  • The reformulation of closing the needs
  • Purchase Motivations SONCAS in bond with the proposed offer

6 – The argumentation

  • Concept of competitive advantage
  • Technique of argumentation APB (Advantage-Evidence-Benefit)
  • The adaptation of the argumentation to the perception channels (VAK)
  • The commercial proposition

7 – The negotiation

  • 5 rules of the negotiation win/win
  • Intelligent concessions
  • Answers Techniques to the objections
  • The assertion of oneself towards the customer

8 – The conclusion

  • Identification of the signals of purchase
  • Various techniques of conclusion

9 – The development of consumer loyalty

  • Effective actions of development of consumer loyalty.
Last update : 01/08/24

Kind of training

  • Category of training action (article L.6313-1 of the French Labor Code): No. 1 training action.


  • Be able to manage in an autonomous and effective way a complete commercial interview
  • Know to identify the various profiles of interlocutors in order to adapt to it to create a climate of trust
  • Develop its listening to identify the true customer requirements in order to argue successfully
  • Know and apply the techniques of answers to the objections
  • Control the techniques of negotiation
  • Know how to conclude positively at the right time.

Audience and requirements


  • English-speaking commercials, and any person being brought to lead whole or part of a commercial interview, those who negociate, who are motivate and want to obtain results and conclude their sales.

If you have a disability, please contact us.


  • To be motivated, to participate and to be apt to the human relationship.

Trainer profile 

  • Expert trainer consultant, Specialist in Sales, management and professional efficiency, who conduct trainings for 12 ans years, former europe sales and marketing manager BtoB environment, graduate from CCIP/ESCP group (Buyer) and from ISCA (International Trade) in Paris.

 Method and pedagogic tools

Face-to-face training in English (distance learning available on demand).

Progressive teaching of knowledge based on an active pedagogical method.

Alternating theoretical, methodological and practical inputs. Numerous situations depending on the professional context. Role playing.

Exchanges between trainees.

A course medium in electronic format and/or paper offered and delivered during the training.

Technical means

  •  Adapted quality reception facilities, accessible to people with reduced mobility, well served by public transport
  •  5 modern training rooms equipped to learn in the best conditions
  •  Video projection on large screen, flipchart
  •  Break area (coffee breaks are offered)
  •  Equipment to be provided for each trainee in the event of 100% remote training requested: computer equipped with a camera and a microphone (or a headset) and an internet connection.


Training follow up and evaluation

  • Individual preparatory questionnaire before training
  • Access to a personal Extranet account before, during and after training (sharing of information and documents, contribution to Quality Monitoring, etc.)
  • Online attendance sheet signed by half a day
  • Regular monitoring of learning throughout the course
  • Final evaluation in a MCQ form
  • Evaluation questionnaire at the end of training
  • A training certificate specifying the objectives, duration and dates will be given at the end of the training
  • One month of individual follow-up offered by email to answer questions directly related to the content of the training
  • Assessment three months after training

Internal rules

To consult our rules of procedure, please click here


Training for your company

Duration: 2 days (14 hours)

Price: 1800 € HT  for 1 to 5 participant(s)


Inter-company training



01 83 64 32 16

      Formation inter-entreprises. Le paiement sera dû à réception de la facture (règlement par chèque libellé à l’ordre de BREYNOD SASU ou par virement). En cas de prise en charge par un OPCA, l’accord de prise en charge doit parvenir à BREYNOD. Toute annulation par le client doit être notifiée par écrit à BREYNOD et nous parvenir au plus tard 4 jours francs avant le début de l’action de formation.

      Pour toute annulation parvenue moins de 4 jours francs avant le début de l’action de formation ou en cas d’absence d’un ou plusieurs participant(s), l’organisme BREYNOD facturera au client la totalité du prix de l’action de formation à titre de dédommagement, montant non imputable sur le budget formation de l’Entreprise cliente. Toute action de formation commencée est due en totalité.

      Formation intra-entreprise. Le paiement sera dû à réception de la facture (règlement par chèque libellé à l’ordre de BREYNOD SASU ou par virement). Toute annulation par le client doit être notifiée par écrit à BREYNOD et nous parvenir au plus tard 2 jours francs avant le début de l’action de formation.

      En cas de dédit par le client à moins de 2 jours francs avant le début de l’action de formation, ou d’abandon en cours de formation par un ou plusieurs participant(s), l’organisme BREYNOD retiendra sur le coût total, les sommes qu’il aura réellement dépensées ou engagées pour la réalisation de ladite action, conformément aux dispositions de l’article L.6354-1 du Code du travail.

      Avis & témoignages